Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 39

We are learning about alligators this week and next, so lots of fun projects go along with it. If you have an alligator or crocodile book you want to send to school, please feel free to. On Monday, I will not be in class, I have a teacher workshop. Morah E will continue to teach the class all day. Tuesday will be the spelling test. This has been very challenging for many of the students, so if your child can read the words by sounding out the first and last letter, that would be great. Rather then spelling the word, I will have them read it or try to write the first letter. Have a good shabbat.

The book I read today, thank you MMB for bringing it in.

Rosh of the day...who doesn't like her picture taken.

Letter A in the picture journal.

Working in the picture journal.

Nice job on writing your words so neatly.

Math folder game...Animal Count.

Math folder game..Pretty Pants.

I love your alligators!

Your alligator has great "armor looking" skin.

The front cover to a mini book about alligators.

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