Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 29

Rosh of the day.

It's the 29th day of school.

Sharpening pencils.
RG is wearing the blue "teacher's helper smock."
Each day, 3 different students will be a helper.

Spelling test...the books were up for privacy.

Learning about the calender.

DE is wearing the "teacher's helper smock."

We just finished our frogs.

Recess...everyone loves the new flying rings.

Our first time playing BINGO in the class.

The students loved it.

MMB was the caller for this game, after winning the last one.

The next card is....

The caller, MMB, rings the bell just before he calls out the next card.

LC was the caller for this game.

Only 3 more to win!

Our painted frog puppets are complete.

A close up shot of one of our frog puppets.
Aren't they cute!

Playing very nicely together, putting the picture cards in the alphabet pockets.

The rosh was leading us in a little "yoga"...relaxation and stretching exercises I like them to do at the end of class.

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