Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day are up, finally! Check out the last 3 days.

Frogs here
Frogs there
Frogs are jumping everywhere.

This is frog week in honor of the letter "F". Please let your child wear something green to school tomorrow.

We started off the day with the end of chapter quiz in our math workbooks. Afterward, I told the students I had a very special surprise for them. Thanks to my sister, who works at the Houston Arboretum, she lent me her Austrailian Whites Tree Frog. She also gave us several tadpoles for our class to keep and watch develop into frogs.

During recess, the students loved looking through a microscope to see different objects inlarged. After a birthday lunch celebration , it was back to schoolwork on letter "F" worksheets.

DE was the rosh today.

The story I ready today.

Paths and Patterns, end of chapter 2 quiz.

We have tadpoles!!!!!

This tadpole has 2 little legs.

An Australian Whites Tree Frog.

The underneath of the frog.

Looking through our magnifying glass at objects found outside.


Happy Birthday LC!!!!
He brought a yummy snack to share with everyone. (plus a party favor)

He also brought money for everyone to give tzedakah in honor of his birthday.
What a nice mitzvah!

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