Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 40 Mrs. G's absence

Today I was at the BJE's teacher workshop, so Morah E stayed for the whole day. Thank you Morah for subbing for me!

Tomorrow we will do the spelling test in a different format. The children will play bingo with their sight words and volunteer to read or spell them. I have found that the spelling tests are too hard for many of the students and I don't want them to feel frustrated or incompetent. I will continue to send home words for them to practice and build on.This week we will be working on Letter Kk and continue with alligators and other reptiles.

Another reminder to not let your children bring toys to school. They become a distraction to them. They are allowed to bring playground toys or objects that pertain to the lesson, such as a book about alligators or crocodiles.

Thank you for your support.
Mrs. G

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