Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day Eleven, Rosh Hashana Cards

For this very short week, we spent the day finishing up our packets of numbers and colors. Now they are able to move on to more exciting things that involve reading and counting.

Since August was a short month at school, we got a bit behind on our handprint calender. Most of the students did their "August" handprint, the rest will finish tomorrow. Each month, their handprints will make a different picture. August was the sun.

Tomorrow is early dismissal, however, you may send a lunch with your child. We normally eat at 11:15.
The story we read in class today.

Rosh of the day.

Making Rosh Hashana cards.

Writing the inside message for our Rosh Hashana cards.

The last page to our color packet...brown and black.

Beautifully colored.

Working on the coloring page.

August handprint for our handprint calender.

Making the sun from his handprint.

Painting her hand to make the handprint of the sun.

Quiet time in the library, playing with coin construction.

Look what he constructed from pennies!

"Alphie" our alphabet worm.
Matching upper and lower case letters.

LL is showing everyone his number.
He will not look at it and try to figure out what it is by feeling and touch the raised number.


Math games from the math center.

The last day of our 1-10 number packet.
Finishing up 8, 9, and 10.

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