Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 158

Testing today was much easier for the students to handle. I decided to let them work in the classroom rather then the lunchroom. I also shortened the time. Upon arriving, I showed them the box of ice pops I planned on giving them after the test. Unfortunately, the students were not well behaved and respectful with the sub for Morah E during davening class. Hopefully tomorrow, they will earn the ice pops, it's a hard lesson to learn.

We also had rhythm and movement class. Next week will be our last time with Ms. Maxine, so we will make her a thank you card in class next week.

The students continued to work in the writing journals, centers, some of the students are weaving pot holders, and many other fun things.

Please remember to send the 2 inch binder. I cannot use a smaller one, there is too many pages to fill it with.

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