Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 99, Letter V

I was a bit late today, due to a doctor's appt. The sub. started on the Letter V. She read a V book and did a worksheet on the current sight words.

Tomorrow is the big 100th day!!!! If you haven't sent in the things for the party, please don't forget. I don't want any child to feel left out. I'm asking for a box or bag of something UO Parve to use for counting and eating. I would also love 100 of something non edible to count. This will be returned. Thank you.

Rosh of the day.

Finishing the X-ray pictures of our bones.

Hundred dollar tissue for our 100 day party tomorrow.

New things for our sensory table,
thanks AK for donating them.

Some of the finished projects.

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