Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day Three

We have been working on the color words all week. So far, we have covered: red, blue, yellow, and green. Please reinforce reading these words at home, as well as the numbers, one through five. You can also play opposite word games..see if you can stump your child. They are very good at opposites!

The story I read to the class.

The story we listened to on tape during lunch.

Rosh for the day.

The class is finishing up their handprint pictures.
My name is ____. Yesterday was my first day of school in Kindergarten. I felt______.

Opposites worksheet

A little camera shy.

MMB putting the finishing touches on his class book page.
At the end of the year, we will have 12 books, each student will keep one class book.

GH is working on the color yellow.

DE is getting ready to glue on his handprint picture.

Morah Rachel is helping until after the holidays.

Our handprints are complete!

JF just finished another worksheet from the Kissing Hand.

After the worksheets are complete, the students have free time for
educational games. JF is playing with number dominoes.

DE chose to do I Spy puzzles.

AK is working on opposite puzzles.

GH and MT are playing number dominoes together.

RG, LC, FI want to help AK with the opposite puzzles.
I like how they are helping each other.

LL is doing sequencing cards.

FS is enjoying her lunch.

Cousins, FL and LL like to work the sequencing cards together.

Puppet show

GH and RF are concentrating on their math workbook, which we started today.
Chapter one is "Sorting and Counting".

The boys working on math.

Hebrew with Morah Yaffa.

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