Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 125, time and teepees

The story I reread today.
We continued on the lesson since we were interrupted by the Academic Fair.

Look what I saw on my way home from school.
They were just across from my shul, past the railroad tracks!

Rosh of the day, passing out her mishloach minot bags.
Also, thank you to AK for also sending a box of mishloach minot for each student.
They were given out during davening class and I wasn't there
to take the picture.

Teaching about the hands of the clock.

Put the big hand, the minute hand, on the 12.
Put the little hand, the hour hand, on the 7
What time is it?

Show me 7:00.

Show me 3:00.

...and 4:00

Show me 9:00.

Show me 6:00.

Our new student, KB, shows us 1:00.
A letter will go out next week with her contact info.

Now we are learning about the half hour, 30 minutes.
Show me 3:30.


Teepees and bluejays from the story: Legend of the Bluebonnet

Notice the Indian symbols.

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