Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 111, Academic Fair Recycling Robots

Please continue to send recycled items, such as plastic, paper, cans and foil.
We can use just about anything for our corks, water bottles, paper towel rolls,.....

Rosh of the day.

Question of the day:
Porcupine popped 11 balloons on this chart.
Is this more or less then a dozen?

Story of the day, but I didn't read it...
The rosh read part of it, and...

JF read part of the story.
Excellent reading for both of them!

Working on robots made from pictures of things that can be recycled.
This is for our Academic Fair....Invention Convention.

The students came up with very
good answers, which you will read at the Fair.

Rewriting the lesson on sentence strips for the Academic Fair.

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