Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day Four

Day four seemed to be a turning point for the class. They are more familiar with the routine, location of the materials and centers, and learning to pay attention and follow directions. I am also stressing the importance of keeping their area clean. All scraps must go into the recycle box, the scissor/glue/markers/crayons should go into the proper bin, and they should push their chairs in when they leave the table. Lunch and snack is challenging for them, so for now, they will eat in our classroom. When they are able to sit long enough, throw away all garbage, wipe up spills, and clean the floor from their "drops", then we will go into the lunchroom to eat. (probably by midterm)

Today their folders of this week's work went home. Usually I send it on Fridays, however, they were just too excited to wait. They wanted to take home all of their art work, but I like to have it displayed for at least a week. It is all so beautiful, I wanted to share it with the school to see. Please return their folders the next school day.

The book of the day.

We listened to this book on tape during lunch.

Making pictures of the shofar sounds in Morah Estee's class.

Each feather represents the number of times to blow.

Rosh of the day.

A raccoon mask made out of heart shapes.
Today we colored and cut out the shapes and will glue it together tomorrow.

A worksheet about how Chester the raccoon felt at the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

Learning some raccoon facts.

Measuring our class Chester. Real raccoons can grow to be almost 3 feet long.

Some of the students worked on their dot tile center today.

Those who did not have a chance to do the center, chose to read books in the library.

Baseball is very popular during recess.
The students may bring their baseball gloves to school if they'd like.

Swinging is also a favorite.

Sometimes it's nice to just sit in the shade and read.
Today there was a slight breeze felt.

The Lazaroff triplets came for a visit. Look how proud brother L is!

Everyone wanted to say hello.

Today we finished chapter one in our math workbook.
We added classifying to sorting and counting.
The students sorted the button pictures all different shape, color, and holes in the middle.

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