We started off the morning with davening. Once completed, I continued to read about the parsha of the week. They especially like that I let them have snack during this time. It seems to help them focus.
Ladybug life cycle with props were fun for all. They are fascinated by the ladybugs, especially the variety of colors. Did you know that even the male ladybugs are called "ladybugs?" A bit funny, the students loved it. The students stenciled ladybug parts and made a picture with aphids on a leaf.
I brought out all new educational games today: shopping board game with money, new kind of pattern blocks, threading discs with pattern cards, short/long vowel games, and many more.
I also brought out new level books and the students are enjoying reading the higher levels.
Some of the students have brought home a book called "Drums" or "Bells" This has a matching workbook. This is really just extra enrichment for the students, it is not part of our reading program in class.